In order to find out the reason why cryptocurrency has been not deposited to EXMO
Cryptocurrency Exchange, follow the steps below:
- Check whether the deposit amount is not less than the minimum amount.
Information about deposit limit can be checked in Finance section of the personal account. Once you select the cryptocurrency you are interested in and deposit
method, allowed minimum amount will be displayed.
If deposit amount is less than prescribed minimum, funds will not be credited to the
exchange account and will not be returned to the sender's account.
2. Check the correctness of wallet address, to which funds have been sent.
Compare the address of deposit wallet specified by you at the funds transfer resource
with the address of deposit wallet at the EXMO. To check the address of deposit wallet at EXMO, click on required cryptocurrency in Finance. The address of deposit wallet should be identical to
that one specified at the funds transfer resource.
3. Check if withdrawal was successful.
Confirmation of successfully completed funds withdrawal is the generated transaction
ID (Txid, Hash), which you can find on the external resource. If this information is not
displayed once the transfer is completed, please request ID (Txid, Hash) from support
service of the external resource, from which the transfer was made.
4. Check the number of transaction confirmations by the network.
If you have Transaction ID (Txid, Hash), you need to check the conformations number
in the corresponding cryptocurrency browser. Once you selected Deposit in front of
required currency in Finance, the confirmations number will be displayed under
the deposit wallet, after which the funds will be credited to the balance.
If the transaction has the required confirmations number to be executed, but has not
been displayed on the balance within an hour since it was sent, please contact
Support Service of EXMO.
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